How One Man Makes Water Droplets Turn Into Stunning Photographs
Stephan Max Reinhold is no ordinary photographer. He beautifully captures science and art in a single frame with his photography of fluids, aptly called ‘Liquid Art’.
Talking about his unique style of photography, Reinhold says “Imagine a single drop of water leaving a faucet. Picture it in slow motion, although it falls quickly and picks up speed. It hurtles towards its target, which could be a small puddle, a glass of water or a dry surface. The moment of impact, give or take a few milliseconds, is what I capture.”
Reinhold’s tryst with photography began at the age of 9, when he received a camera as a gift from his father, who was an avid photographer himself. ‘Liquid Art’ took shape when Reinhold, inspired by a rainstorm, decided to capture the extraordinary phenomenon of liquids in motion.
("Mirror Image" uses coloured filters against colliding water droplets)
Precise timing is the key to his photographs. Using high-tech equipment, that include infrared sensors and laser triggers, the photographer has fine-tuned the method of photographing the life cycle of a single drop of liquid.
He uses a range of objects like flowers, fabric, colours and light to create different effects on the background. Along with water, Reinhold experiments with paint, soapy water, oil, milk and more, to create outstanding images.
("See Through Blue" captures splashing paint)
(Photograph by Reinhold using oil as a subject)
Capturing the different ways of impact, the photographer gives us an extraordinary glimpse into the splendours of nature. Science clearly drives his art, as the concepts of surface tension, inertia, light refraction and terminal velocity are highlighted through his photographs.
(In "Secret Admirer", Reinhold uses a rose as a background filter)
("Secret Admirer" used in the dining area of a home)
“Like snowflakes, no two drops of liquid impact alike. And depending on the surface, the lighting, the background and the perspective, the results can be dramatically different,” says Reinhold, who currently lives in Bali. For instance:
Crowns and craters are formed when water drops hit a calm surface.
("Chocolate Zebra' shows a crater formation)
Columns occur if droplets are propelled upwards after the first impact, sometime splitting due to surface tension.
(In "Breath", one sees a column being formed, with a beautiful flower's reflection)
Collisions occur when two or more drops are made to collide at precisely timed intervals.
("Witch's Brew" captures a collision of water droplets)
Skimmers are the perfectly spherical results of the mere play of fluid and surface tension.
("Light Flutters" has perfectly spherical droplets on the surface)
Reinhold believes the experience of his photography is different for each individual, but there is no doubt that each of his photographs capture the attention, fascination and imagination of the viewer.
Reinhold's works have found a place in many homes across the world, adding a distinct style and character to whichever wall they adorn.
Explore Stephan Max Reinhold's collection of exquisite 'Liquid Art' photographs, available on Artisera.